2020, the year of: the Rat, the bushfires in Australia, the death of Kobe and Gianna Bryant, the acquittal of president trump, the Coronavirus Pandemic, the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, and the Beirut explosion (just to name a few events that have happened thus far this year).

2020, (for me personally) has been a year of transition. Spencer and I moved to San Francisco on March 7th, leaving our beloved Colorado and best friends behind. On March 9th, I started my new job as a wine sales representative for Regal Wine with a daily 3 am wake-up time. On March 11th, California announced a state-wide quarantine lockdown due to the Coronavirus and our small studio apartment immediately felt even smaller. On June 7th, we joined the Black Lives Matter Protests to fight for racial justice and to honor the black lives who were lost due to police brutality. We have watched, listened, learned, donated, signed petitions, and will continue to do so.

During the midst of all these events, I decided to start a cooking blog. I wanted to use my free time during this quarantine in a creative and useful way. Cooking/baking is something I’ve been passionate about since I was young. I loved watching my family members run around the kitchen creating their own masterpieces, which were in turn devoured in a matter of minutes. Food brings everyone together, no matter who it is- friends, new friends, acquaintances, family- and that brings so much joy to my heart. I hope to bring some of that joy to others through this platform.

The timing to launch this new endeavor has been the hardest part- not wanting to overshadow any of the more important information being spread throughout social media and the news during these strange times. What I’ve learned is that, there is no better time than now.

When life hands you lemons- yes, you can make lemonade. You can also make lemon bars or lemon sugar cookies, but why not #squeezetheday and make a blog!?!

With that said, I urge everyone to continue (or start) watching, listening, learning, sign petitions that resonate with you, donate (when/if you can), and most importantly: VOTE – all while eating your fave betty on a budget recipe of course!


One thought on “Squeeze The Day”

  1. YIPPIE! Betty on a budget has officially launched!!! SO AWESOME. Of course you picked my all time favorite food…..LEMONS! Can’t wait to try your recipes.
    So proud of you! Creating the dream….so inspiring you are….Love you, Stace

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